Update: Thank you to everyone who requested a free tree! Trees were distributed to those with confirmed reservations on January 17. A few trees were not picked up. If you were on the wait list, we have sent you an email about possibly picking up one of the remaining trees. Please contact the office at info@LemonBayConservancy.org for any questions.
Many local trees were lost during the hurricanes of the past three years. Lemon Bay Conservancy, in partnership with the Florida Forest Service, is happy to help our community in its recovery efforts by distributing 100 native trees to the public, free of charge, as part of Florida Arbor Day, January 17, 2025.
Local residents are invited to reserve a free tree for pickup on the morning of January 17th.
Trees will come in 3-gallon containers with heights varying from 3 to 6 feet tall. We are offering eight species of native trees: slash pine, sweetbay magnolia, live oak, dahoon holly, red maple, American elm, longleaf pine, and bald cypress. Some species are suitable for drier locations, while other species need wetter sites. A brief description of each tree species is available in the table below.
To reserve your free tree, click on the this link: Free Tree Registration Form
We anticipate demand for the free trees will be high. We will notify each registrant in advance if the tree you requested will be available for pickup.
If there are trees that are not picked up by noon, they will become available for “walk-up” participants from noon to 1:00 on the 17th.
An informational sheet with the recommended planting method will be handed out along with each tree.
Tree distribution details:
When: Friday January 17, 2025, 9:00 until noon, rain or shine!
Where: Lemon Creek Wildflower Preserve, 3120 Gasparilla Pines Boulevard, Englewood, FL 34224
For additional information, call the LBC office at 941-830-1063 or send us an email at lbconservancy@comcast.net.
We thank the Florida Forest Service for their generous tree purchase grant!