On March 13, 2014, Lemon Bay Conservancy hosted a volunteer appreciation dinner at the Cape Haze Community Center for 40 volunteers, friends, and family members involved in the ongoing restoration work at Wildflower Preserve. The guests viewed a slide show with photos of volunteer activities at the preserve mixed with pictures of plants and animals frequenting the property.
Conservancy president Jim Cooper thanked the volunteers and informed them that their efforts had helped LBC win the Englewood Chamber of Commerce’s Non-Profit of the Year award. LBC board member Eva Furner displayed aerial photos showing the Wildflower property through time and described plans to work with the Southwest Florida Water Management District to restore wetlands and natural habitats at Wildflower.
Six volunteers in attendance at the dinner (Lucia Schatteleyn, Ken Marlow, Carolyn Marlow, Jane Frentzel, George Frentzel, and Per Christiansen) received special recognition for working at the preserve for all four years since the Conservancy purchased the property.