News from Lemon Bay Conservancy, including Lemon Creek Wildflower Preserve d news, new Lemon Bay Coastal Seminar Series, water quality initiatives, tarpon research, volunteer needs and more!
Misery from Hurricanes Helene and Milton Hurricanes Helene and Milton have brought incredible destruction to our area. Our hearts are with everyone who is dealing with the flooding and destruction from the storms. While LBC has suffered damages from the […]
On Thursday, January 25th, as we held our Annual Meeting and launched the 2024 Lemon Bay Coastal Seminar Series. LBC members voted to elect five new board members: Allen Richards, Barbara LaCorte, Rob Robbins, Diane Coll, and Lary Stuhlmiller to […]
Please mark your calendars to join us on Thursday, January 25th, as we hold our Annual Meeting and kickoff the 2024 Lemon Bay Coastal Seminar Series with a presentation by Tonya Wiley, from Havenworth Coastal Conservation, on “The Endangered Sawfish of Florida: Past, Present, and […]
Thank you to Keith and Laurie Farlow for supporting our Vertical Oyster Garden water quality initiative with the placement of VOGs along the Farlows restaurant dock. The oyster gardens join mini-reefs previously placed under the docks to help sustain and […]
Free eco-kayak tours for Lemon Bay Conservancy members will resume in January. Join paddle team members Charlie Woodruff, Jayne Dean and Beth McKinley as they explore the ecology of Lemon Bay and its fascinating shoreline habitats. The next tour […]
Rock Painting Workshop You are invited to join us for a rock garden painting session on Wednesday, December 27, 2023 at 4:00 pm at the outdoor classroom area in the meadow at Lemon Creek Wildflower Preserve. We will provide paint, brushes, some […]
Dr. Bill Dunson is a long-time member of our LBC volunteer family. His volunteer roles include leading guided walks, providing project planning recommendations, and writing “Nature Notes” articles for our website. Bill is Professor Emeritus of Pennsylvania State University […]
As his Eagle Service Project toward attaining the rank of Eagle Scout, James Ash, from Scout Troup 26 in Englewood, placed a turtle basking platform in Hosman Pond at Lemon Creek Wildflower Preserve. The platform allows turtles to climb […]
Lemon Bay Conservancy and select other 2022-23 grant recipients presented their completed projects at the Mangrove Chapter FNPS membership meeting on December 12, 2023, detailing implementation of the awarded grant funds. Lemon Bay Conservancy volunteers Maura Qualls and Ann […]
Lemon Bay Conservancy invites all LBC members and accompanying guests to join our paddle team for a guided paddle tour in Lemon Bay. This guided paddle will be on December 18, 2023 at Oyster Creek Boat Ramp on Placida Road. Launch […]
Lemon Bay Conservancy volunteers who are wishing to take part in the Charlotte Harbor Estuaries Water Quality Monitoring Program managed by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection are invited to attend a basic training program to be held on […]
In addition to the special donation opportunity above, we continue to ask everyone to join or renew your LBC membership for 2024! As you’ve seen in past emails and newsletters, and as described in news updates below, our […]
Lemon Bay Conservancy invites all LBC members and accompanying guest to join our paddle team for the next guided paddle tour in Lemon Bay. This guided paddle will be on December 4, 2023 at Oyster Creek Boat Ramp Placida […]
Fourteen LBC Juvenile Tarpon Pull volunteers met at the small pond at Lemon Creek Wildflower Preserve on Saturday November 18, 2023 where the team netted and counted a total of 20 tarpon. The second net pull at the […]
The Lemon BayWatch team spent Saturday and Sunday Nov. 18-19 at the Family Conservation Center at Englewood Beach WaterFest promoting Lemon Bay Conservancy’s four major water quality initiatives. Our display featured the “One Dock at a Time” oyster […]
LBC Guided Kayak Tours Are Now Underway On November 6th, LBC kayakers had a great day out on the water in Lemon Bay. Volunteer tour guide Charlie Woodruff expertly scouted out both migratory and shore birds along the route. Paddlers […]
LBC Members Attend Mangrove Management Class LBC Lemon BayWatch team members Jane Collingwood, Beth McKinley and Janda Hefner were among the many interested citizens who attended the mangrove management training program sponsored by UF/IFAS Sea Grant Charlotte County Extension at […]
News from Lemon Bay Conservancy, including Lemon Creek Wildflower Preserve hurricane recovery and news, new Lemon Bay Coastal Seminar Series, water quality initiatives, tarpon research, volunteer profiles and more!
Protecting and monitoring water quality for health ecosystems is a top priority for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), which manages Florida’s 42 aquatic preserves. Charlotte Harbor Aquatic Preserves staff routinely monitors its living waters to ensure they will […]