On June 30, 2024, Lemon Bay Conservancy launched a pilot study to determine if the once abundant southern hardshell clam (Mercenaria campechiensis) can be restored to Lemon Bay. Clams play an important role in the management of marine ecosystems. Adult clams can filter about 2 gallons of water an hour and remove suspended particles, viruses, bacteria, and even red tide algae.
Volunteers from Sarasota Bay Watch and Lemon Bay Conservancy, funding from START Sarasota (Solutions to Avoid Red Tide), and especially services and guidance from Dr Ernesto Lassa de la Vega made the launching of this project possible.
Monitoring of the study areas will continue throughout the summer months. If the pilot study is successful, our goal is to place 50,000 clams in strategic locations throughout Lemon Bay. We will need to conduct a fund-raising campaign to accomplish this goal. Stay tuned for more details.
We will publish more information on our website in the near future. Copies of the project permits are available in the office; please make an appointment if you wish to review them.