- Recent Bluebird hatchling and egg
- Bluebird babies in nest
- Bluebird male
- Bluebird male catches a grub
- Nest box
Everyone remembers the famous Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale of the ugly “duckling” which grew up as the object of ridicule for its ungainly appearance, yet it eventually metamorphosed into a beautiful swan. I think about this story whenever I look into our bluebird boxes at the babies. At first the youngest babies are so ugly that they are cute. Eventually the babies grow into young thrushes which are handsome, but which do not yet reveal the true extent of the marvel that is the male bluebird. The incredible blue color of the back against the reddish breast is incomparable and evokes my astonishment, no matter how many times I see this wonder. It seems most likely that the females are responsible for this unusual blue color by selecting mates over the eons with the brightest blue.
Breeding all the way from Florida to Canada, bluebirds usually depend on human modification of the original forest habitat, and provision of nest boxes, so that they can forage in open spaces and yards. This seals the bond with people and bluebirds seem to be happiest around human habitation. Few other birds have provoked such sympathy that a society was created just for their protection. Check out the NABS website and consider how you might contribute to the preservation of this remarkable creature which provides so much pleasure to us. The easier way to start is by putting up some nest boxes, but be sure and provide protection against predators. The nest box that I have found satisfactory is shown with a stove pipe baffle underneath the box to discourage predatory snakes and mammals.
Bill Dunson, Englewood, FL & Galax, VA