UF/IFAS Extension SEA GRANT Program Eyes On Seagrass
Invites You To
Become a citizen Scientist for a Day!
9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Saturday, April 13, 2024
Cedar Point Environmental Center
2300 Placida Rd., Englewood, FL 34224
Sea grass is essential for a healthy marine environment. It is the food source and habitat for many species of fish, shellfish and marine animals; it enhances water clarity, stabilizes shorelines and helps to sequester carbon and nitrogen.
In recent years, there has been a significant die-off of seagrass in Charlotte Harbor and certain areas of Lemon Bay. This is primarily due to rapid algae growth that robs seagrass of adequate sunlight necessary for healthy growth. The health and habitat of hundreds of species has suffered as a result.
Eyes on Seagrass is a citizen science program developed by UF/IF Sea Grant that trains volunteers to monitor seagrass using carefully developed scientific protocols. Citizen scientists collect data on seagrass health, sediment, algae presence, and water quality at numerous sites in Lemon Bay and Charlotte Harbor. The data collected by citizen volunteers provides important information for scientists to better manage water resources and guide conservation management policy.
The Lemon BayWatch team invites you to a live demonstration of seagrass monitoring on Saturday, April 13th at Cedar Point Environmental Center. Come see what citizen scientists can do to make an important difference in our environment!
Advance registration is required. Register by clicking on this link:https://ufl.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0uLUpAoLPbH0h26
To learn more about the Eyes on Sea Grass program, including upcoming sampling dates, follow-on this link: