- Great Horned owl
- Red shouldered hawk
- Longtail skipper
- Scrub jay
I know all of you Eskimos up North are having fun with Winter sports in the ice and snow but just to let you know what is coming your way in another 2-3 months I thought I would send a few photos of what I saw today in our FL yard and nearby.
If you ever wondered if great horned owls are cryptically colored look at this owl which is one of a pair nesting in our yard in the top of a tall Norfolk Island pine. A red shouldered hawk was harassing it a bit but the owl seemed unmoved.
The skipper was nectaring on a Mexican flame vine in our yard during a nice warm day in the upper 70’s.
The scrub jay was one of a family of about 10 birds which followed us around during a nature walk we gave at the S. Venice Lemon bay Preserve today.
Given that we are only a 12 hour drive from Galax, VA, it is hard to believe the difference in climate. Maybe global warming is not such a bad thing after all?
Bill Dunson, Englewood, FL & Galax, VA