Our thoughts go out to everyone who is suffering from the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene. The recovery from this storm will be a long and difficult challenge. Please stay safe as you work to recover!
Like so many locations in the path of the storm, our Englewood area received major storm surge. Over 2.5′ of water surged through our LBC office, and most of our office furniture, supplies, and files were soaked in sea water and debris.
Thanks to the quick action of our office manager, Cyndi Fredricks, board members, Diane Coll, Eva Furner, Rob Robbins, and Larry Stuhlmiller, and volunteers Pam Neer and Caleb Robbins, we were able to salvage some items that were on counter tops, in upper cabinets, and on shelving, and move them to a temporary storage unit.
Fortunately, our office computer and printer were on a desktop and were not inundated. And, our member/donor database and financial records are stored in cloud software, so we will be able to continue LBC operations while we search for a new office space.
The LBC office is closed indefinitely, but we can be reached by phone, at 941-830-8922, or by email, at info@LemonBayConservancy.org.
If you know of a small available office space, or you have any office furniture or office supplies that you might be able to donate, please let us know.