On January 25th, we held our Opening Ceremony for the newly restored Lemon Creek Wildflower Preserve. We are delighted to announce that the Preserve is now open daily for Lemon Bay Conservancy member access!
Members should display your 2021 membership card on your car dash when visiting.
Please note that our volunteers are continuing to work on improving the preserve’s trails. Trail conditions are rough and informational signage is incomplete. All visitors to the preserve do so at your own risk.
A series of nature walks for LBC members has been sent out via email and the schedule is available on the Calendar page on our LBC website.
Everyone is invited to become an LBC member. Join us at LemonBayConservancy.org/member.
Public access is limited to scheduled “open house” mornings and public nature walks. We have “open house” mornings scheduled for Tuesday, February 9, and Saturday, February 13. Preserve Introduction Nature Walks are also scheduled on those dates, beginning at 9:00 am.
All visitors are required to wear a mask during guided trail walks and to comply with social distancing guidelines while in the Preserve.
We are also scheduling a series of walks for homeowner’s associations and environmental groups. If you’d like to schedule a walk for your group, please send us an email at LBConservancy@comcast.net or call us at 941-830-8922.