Lemon Bay Conservancy members are invited to join Dr. Bill Dunson for a special pontoon boat excursion on Lemon Bay. This trip was originally scheduled for Feb. 19, but the date has been changed to March 19 due to cold weather and wind forecasted for the February date.
If weather conditions permit, we will make a stop for a beach walk along the north end of Palm Island, adjacent to Stump Pass. Bill will lead the walk, pointing out interesting plants and animals along the way.
We will depart from the Lemon Bay Tours dock at 1450 Beach Road promptly at 8:30 am. Approximate return time is 11:30 am.
The fee for this three hour adventure is $25 per member. “Individual” members may bring a guest for $35. In the case of inclement weather, we will reschedule the trip. If member demand for seats significantly exceeds the boat’s capacity, we will attempt to schedule a second excursion date.
Please call the office at 941-830-8922 to reserve your seats.