New Native Butterfly Plantings June 14, 2023 Admin With funding provided by Lemon Bay Conservancy donors and a $100 grant from the Mangrove chapter of the Florida Native Plant Society, LBC volunteers have replanted Florida native plants in the butterfly habitat at Lemon Creek Wildflower Preserve. The new plants now occupy a large section of the habitat that was severely damaged by Hurricane Ian. LBC volunteers Jim and Marti Klug, Maura Qualls, Jack Simmonds and Ann Weaver traveled to Sweet Bay Nursery in Parrish, FL to select and transport the new plants. This dedicated team of volunteers dug holes, spread compost, and scheduled regular watering for 40 new plants in 13 different species. The new plants will provide nectar for butterflies and bees, as well as host the caterpillars of several butterfly species. The new plantings include: Blackeyed Susan, Twinflower, False Rosemary, Coontie, Swamp Milkweed, Seaside Goldenrod, Tampa Verbain, Purple Coneflower, Partridge Pea, Blue-eyed Grass, Yellowtop, Elephant’s Foot, and Common Tickseed. LBC members are invited to visit the butterfly habitat daily. Members of our butterfly team are at the butterfly habitat on Thursday mornings, from 8 am to 10 am, and are happy to answer any butterfly gardening questions you may have. New volunteers are always welcome. We invite you to come out and join our team! Please follow and like us: