Plants: The project changes at Wildflower have resulted in a funding shortfall for upland native plants and plant maintenance at the preserve. During the summer, LBC applied for restoration grant funding from the Coastal & Heartland National Estuary Program (CHNEP) and we have received a $25,000 grant to be used for plants and plantings. We also have about $7,000 left from funds raised last year to help with arsenic mitigation costs. With those funds applied, we still have leaves a shortfall of $38,000 to fully cover our planting and one-year plant maintenance needs.
Pathways: We also remain committed to making Wildflower a beautiful place for members and guests to enjoy. As you may recall, we’re planning to create a new trail network and to place a pedestrian bridge across the east-west channel in the new estuarine creek habitat. The channel crossing is wide! The bridge will need to be 80’ long, with 9 pilings on each side ranging from 14’ to 20’ in length. The bridge will provide a great vantage point for viewing the wetlands and an important connection path in the new trail network. In order to reduce costs, the plan is to install the bridge pilings before water begins to flow at the new location. The bridge decking and handrails will be added later, when we have funds available. So far, we’ve raised more than $9,000 toward the bridge costs, but we still need to raise $32,000 to make the bridge a reality.
Combining the cost estimates, we need $70,000 to fully fund these important project areas. With your help, we can make it happen!
Two anonymous donors have stepped forward again this year to commit $4,000 in matching funds in support of this special Wildflower campaign. Their 1:1 matching offer expires on Giving Tuesday, December 3, 2019. So, please double the impact of your donation by contributing to our special “Plants & Pathways” Wildflower Campaign before the December 3rd deadline!
Click here to make your “Plants & Pathways” donation.
You can also donate by calling us at the office at 941-830-8922. Thank you!