News from Lemon Bay Conservancy, including Lemon Creek Wildflower Preserve d news, new Lemon Bay Coastal Seminar Series, water quality initiatives, tarpon research, volunteer needs and more!
News from Lemon Bay Conservancy, including Lemon Creek Wildflower Preserve hurricane recovery and news, new Lemon Bay Coastal Seminar Series, water quality initiatives, tarpon research, volunteer profiles and more!
We concluded our monthly, seasonal tarpon research on April 15 with a very exciting morning. Once each month since November, we’ve had up to 40 volunteers come out on Saturday mornings to assist with this interesting research, including 4 scientists […]
A Report on the Monthly Lemon Bay Conservancy Tarpon Net Pull: Saturday, Dec 10, 2016 by Jim Cooper, LBC President It was the coolest morning in Placida this year at 57 degrees on Dec 10th as I drove north on Placida […]