Hi, Tarpon net pull volunteers. We have been active in assessing the state of the tarpon ponds at the Lemon Creek Wildflower Preserve. Last week a small group visited the ponds along with Kelly Chase, a representative from Florida Fish & Wildlife. We launched the Jon boat in the larger of the two ponds to assess the amount of debris in the water, where we found some styrofoam in the mangroves but no metal debris. Kelly also used his cast net to get a sense of the presence of any juvenile fish. He caught some small snook and also noted some small tarpon. He mentioned that any debris in the water is more likely to be branches from nearby trees.
The FWC recommendation is that we use our large seine net in these ponds. They have been using their own seine net with success in creeks and ponds in the Charlotte County area. Given this guidance from FWC and the findings from our visit to the ponds last week we plan to conduct a net pull on Saturday, December 17. I hope you can join us. We will be joined by FWC representatives.
We first need to load the seine net and other equipment in the Jon boat before using our UTV to tow the boat to the ponds by Fiddlers Green. The Preserve trails to the ponds are clear of debris. Use the Wildflower Preserve parking lot and meet at the equipment shed at 8 a.m. Then drive to Fiddlers Green and use the carpark there. The actual net pull will get underway around 8.30 AM starting with the smaller of the two ponds.
If you have waders please bring them along with gloves, a hat, water and mosquito repellant.
I look forward to seeing you at this event. Please let me know if you are able to attend. See below for my contact details.
Malcolm Collingwood
1 917 915 1076 (mobile)