Tarpon “Net Pull” Research December 18, 2021
We are still looking for volunteers to assist with the Lemon Bay Tarpon Pull event scheduled for Saturday December 18th. We are planning our events for the third Saturday of each month from November through April. Representatives from Florida Fish & Wildlife will continue to work with us to ensure proper procedures for handling the fish and recording measurements. We look forward to seeing you all there! Don’t forget your hat, mask and gloves and we also suggest you bring a water bottle and mosquito repellant along with waders if you have them and sneakers or boots you don’t mind getting wet. If you are interested, please be at the Preserve by 7:45 AM to begin at 8:00 AM. Advanced sign up is required. If you would like to assist or if you have any questions, please contact Jim Cooper 941-979-6258. Please confirm that you will or will not be attending. Email: jcoop43@comcast.net.
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