Lemon Bay Conservancy awards STEM scholarship
Lemon Bay Conservancy was pleased to award graduating senior Bryn Atherholt the LBC Elsie Bracken Environmental Science Scholarship at the 2023 Lemon Bay High School Senior Awards Night. This scholarship is awarded to a Senior who demonstrates interest in conservation and the environment, and who plans to pursue a degree in environmental science. Bryn will graduate with honors and is looking forward to attending the University of North Carolina, majoring in Marine Biology.
Bryn has enjoyed being a dual enrollment student at the State College of Florida and has actively engaged in community service during her Junior and Senior years. Bryn has participated in multiple extra-curricular activities, including Literacy Center for Dyslexia, Charlotte Technical College and Key Club. In Bryn’s spare time she enjoys weight lifting, long boarding, reading, and going to the beach with friends.
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