Labyrinth Walk:
The Labyrinth on the Hill monthly guided walk is Wednesday, July 19th from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm at Lemon Creek Wildflower Preserve, 3120 Gasparilla Pines Boulevard, Englewood, Fl. Located on top of a berm that overlooks all four directions of the Preserve, the labyrinth offers walkers a flat, circular, path that winds itself to the center and then back out again. This is a meditative, peaceful walk with a beautiful view. Join our labyrinth facilitators Tonya Bramlage and Lary Stuhlmiller as they lead participants through the labyrinth. Each walk will include simple guidelines on how to walk the labyrinth, a time for sharing, opportunities for reflecting, extended learning, and Q/A. This is a public event and everyone is welcome.

Guided Lemon Creek Wildflower Preserve Walk:
On Sunday, July 23rd from 9:00 am to 10:am Tonya and Steve Bramlage will guide a short walk through the heart of Lemon Creek Wildflower Preserve at 3120 Gasparilla Pines Boulevard, Englewood, Fl. This walk is open to the public and an ideal opportunity to come out and see the unique ecology that can be found at the Preserve. This walk is sure to provide special summer sights and a host of hidden delights. Remember to wear sunscreen, bug spray, a hat, comfortable walking shoes. Be sure to bring along your water bottle and a friend!

Rock Painting Workshop:
You are invited to join us for our ongoing rock painting series on Tuesday, July 25, 2023 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. This workshop will be held at the Sanctuary at Cape Haze Condominiums Clubhouse, located at 6610 Gasparilla Pines Boulevard, Englewood, Fl throughout the summer months. We will provide paint, brushes, some cocktail napkins, mod podge for decoupage, and a couple different types of acrylic pens for group use. Decoupage takes a bit of time to dry, so our workshop instructor Bonnie Stuhlmiller will take these items home to coat with spray. Everyone is welcome to participate.