On May 8th, as part of our Lemon Bay Coastal Seminar Series, Dr. Mary Lusk from the University of Florida spoke to a full house at the Cape Haze Community Center on the topic of “Coastal Water Quality: The Role of Septic Systems, Advanced Water Treatment, Reclaimed Water and Storm Water”.
Dr. Lusk is Dr. Lusk is one of the foremost experts on nutrients and how they move through the environment. A video of the presentation is now available on our Lemon Bay Conservancy YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzGBs5GuTOQ
Special thanks to Dr. Lusk for her presentation, to LBC board member Rob Robbins for coordinating this seminar series, to the Cape Haze Property Owners Association for the use of their building, and to volunteer Bob Winter for creating the video.