Instructions for those participating in the Big Connection 3.0 research project, taking place on World Labyrinth Day, May 6th.
Prior to World Labyrinth Day May 6
1. Please watch our 3:27 minute instructional video about what to do when you walk the labyrinth as part of the Big Connection research.
Click Here to View the Instructional Video
2. Please print these instructions to take with you to the labyrinth:
Click Here to Get the Written Instructions
Right Before You Begin Your Walk on World Labyrinth Day May 6:
(bring the instruction sheet you downloaded with you to labyrinth)
1. Please listen to this 5:55 minute audio of the Heart Brain Meditation right before you enter the labyrinth. If you are not able to use your smartphone at the labyrinth, use the printed Heart Brain Meditation in the instruction sheet.
If the video doesn’t display, please click Here to View the Heart Brain Meditation
2. Follow the printed instructions for walking the labyrinth, which includes the intention.
3. As soon after your walk as possible, come back and click the link below to take the questionnaire.
Click Here to Take the Questionnaire
With great gratitude,
Christine Katzenmeyer, Executive Director, Legacy Labyrinth Project
Dr. Jocelyn McGee, principal investigator, Baylor University
This longitudinal research project is a global humanity service project in partnership with The Legacy Labyrinth Project, Dr. Jocelyn McGee from Baylor University, and in collaboration with The Labyrinth Society, Veriditas, and the Australian Labyrinth Network.