“The Mysterious Manta Rays of Florida” – Jessica Pate, Lead Scientist, Florida Manta Project is our featured speaker for the month of February.
The Marine Megafauna Foundation
Research Scientist & US Country Manager
All programs will be held at the Cape Haze Community Center located at 180 Spyglass Alley, Placida, FL 33946, at the intersection of Spyglass Alley and Spaniards Road. Parking is available on both streets. To reach the Community Center from Placida Road (Hwy. 775), turn west onto Cape Haze Drive. At the traffic circle, take the first right (heading north) onto Spaniards Rd. The Community Center will be just ahead on your left. Refreshments will be available at 5:30 p.m. and the program will begin at 6:00 p.m. The seminars are free and open to the public.
Monthly seminars to follow include:
March 14th: “Blooms of Blue-green Algae and Red Tide in South Florida” – Dr. Larry Brand, Professor, University of Miami Rosenstiel School
April 11th: “Roseate Spoonbills In Florida Bay – A Pink Canary in a Coal Mine” – Dr. Jerry Lorenz, State Director of Research, Florida Audubon
For more information on the seminars along with many more local events and opportunities sponsored by Lemon Bay Conservancy at www.lemonbayconservancy.org or (941) 830-8922