The 2025 Lemon Creek Wildlife Preserve "Exploration Day" was a fun-filled event with nature walks, informational talks, educational displays, and golf cart tours.
The free, public Open House at Lemon Creek Wildflower Preserve, scheduled for February 24, 2024, will include guided trail walks, displays by local environmental groups and hands-on environmental activities. Come for a visit!
News from Lemon Bay Conservancy, including Lemon Creek Wildflower Preserve d news, new Lemon Bay Coastal Seminar Series, water quality initiatives, tarpon research, volunteer needs and more!
On June 30, 2024, Lemon Bay Conservancy launched a pilot study to determine if the once abundant southern hardshell clam (Mercenaria campechiensis) can be restored to Lemon Bay. Clams play an important role in the management of marine ecosystems. Adult […]
The Lemon BayWatch Team of Lemon Bay Conservancy is pursuing their goal of improving the water quality of Lemon Bay through the use of vertical oyster gardens. The Lemon BayWatch “Oyster Ambassadors” will be on site at WATERWAYS Paddlesports, 501 […]
LBC members and your accompanying guests are invited to join our March paddle tours! The tours will be conducted at a moderate pace and take approximately 2-2.5 hours. Please arrive 30 minutes before launch time to register. March 25: 9:30 […]
LEMON BAYWATCH UF/IFAS Extension SEA GRANT Program Eyes On Seagrass Invites You To Become a citizen Scientist for a Day! 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. Saturday, April 13, 2024 Cedar Point Environmental Center 2300 Placida Rd., Englewood, FL 34224 Sea […]
LBC members and your accompanying guests are invited to join our March paddle tours! All paddle tours will take place on Mondays. They will be conducted at a moderate pace and take approximately 2-2.5 hours. Please arrive 30 minutes before […]
Our Annual Open House at Lemon Creek Wildflower Preserve was held on February 24th. LBC hosted close to 200 visitors at this year’s event, which included walks, talks, and displays by local environmental groups. Attendees stopped by to enjoy […]
The free, public Open House at Lemon Creek Wildflower Preserve, scheduled for February 24, 2024, will include guided trail walks, displays by local environmental groups and hands-on environmental activities. Come for a visit!
LBC members and friends are invited to join Vertical Oyster Garden team leader Sue Wills and her oyster shell volunteers at 9:00 am. Saturday, February 3, 2024 at Lemon Creek Wildflower Preserve for an informative program on the science of […]
Thank you to Keith and Laurie Farlow for supporting our Vertical Oyster Garden water quality initiative with the placement of VOGs along the Farlows restaurant dock. The oyster gardens join mini-reefs previously placed under the docks to help sustain and […]
Eco-kayak tours for Lemon Bay Conservancy members and friends will resume in January. Join paddle team members Charlie Woodruff, Jayne Dean and Beth McKinley as they explore the ecology of Lemon Bay and its fascinating shoreline habitats.Tours will depart […]
Lemon Bay Conservancy is participating in the Charlotte Harbor Estuaries Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring Network (CHEVWQMN) that is sponsored by the Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection. Lemon Bay is situated within the Lemon Bay Aquatic Preserve, one of a […]
The LBC Lemon BayWatch “One Dock at a Time” program to promote vertical oyster gardening is gearing up to begin assembling oyster strands that will be hung from docks on the Lemon Bay waterfront. Oyster team coordinator Sue Wills will […]
Free eco-kayak tours for Lemon Bay Conservancy members will resume in January. Join paddle team members Charlie Woodruff, Jayne Dean and Beth McKinley as they explore the ecology of Lemon Bay and its fascinating shoreline habitats. The next tour […]
Lemon Bay Conservancy invites all LBC members and accompanying guests to join our paddle team for a guided paddle tour in Lemon Bay. This guided paddle will be on December 18, 2023 at Oyster Creek Boat Ramp on Placida Road. Launch […]
Lemon Bay Conservancy volunteers who are wishing to take part in the Charlotte Harbor Estuaries Water Quality Monitoring Program managed by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection are invited to attend a basic training program to be held on […]